Station Master


Table of Contents

The station master window is used to define or edit information on the physical work stations and point-of-sale devices in your business. It is mandatory to have a station identified for all point-of-sale type transactions such as customer invoices, returns and payments on account. In addition, if you are using Quasar Point-of-Sale, you will need to define a work station for each point-of-sale device.


The name given to the work station.


The number assigned to the work station.


The store the work station is linked to.

Offline #

The offline transaction number is assigned by Quasar for Point-of-Sale devices. In the event a Quasar Point-of-Sale terminal goes offline from the server it must increment its own offline numbers. After offline transactions are created and when the POS terminal comes back online, the offline transactions are sent to the Quasar server. At this time the next offline # is set. The Point-of-Sale terminal and the Quasar Server offline numbers are synchronized at that time.

Action Icons

- Select the "Save" icon to save the changes to the station record.

- Select the "Undo" icon to remove any unsaved changes and display the original station record.

- Select the "New" icon to create a new station. If the open station record has not yet been saved, you will be prompted to save it.

- Select the "Delete" icon to delete the station record.

- Select the "Copy" icon to copy the contents of the station record to an alternate station record.

- Select the "Groups" icon to define the groups that the station will be linked to.

- Select the "OK" icon to file the record.

- Select the "Cancel" icon to cancel the changes to the record.


Toggle on or off. Toggle off to set the station to inactive. Toggle on to re-set the station to active.