Tax Master


Table of Contents

The tax master window is used to create individual taxes and tax groups. Tax groups are a combination of two or more taxes.


The name of the tax.


The description of the tax.

Tax Group?

Toggle on or off. Toggle on to to link 2 or more taxes to one tax code using a tax group table. Toggle off to define a new individual tax.

Web Tax Class:

If you are importing/exporting data to a web store set the tax class.


Click on the control folder to define information on a specific tax.

Tax on Tax

Click on the tax on tax folder to define if the tax must be charged on top of another tax.


Link 2 or more individual taxes to one tax code.

Action Icons

- Select the "Save" icon to save the changes to the tax record.

- Select the "Undo" icon to remove any unsaved changes and display the original tax record.

- Select the "New" icon to create a new tax. If the open tax record has not yet been saved, you will be prompted to save it.

- Select the "Delete" icon to delete the tax record.

- Select the "Copy" icon to copy the contents of the tax record to an alternate tax record.

- Select the "Groups" icon to define the groups that the tax will be linked to.

- Select the "OK" icon to file the record.

- Select the "Cancel" icon to cancel the changes to the record.


Toggle on or off. Toggle off to set the tax to inactive. Toggle on to re-set the tax to active.