Sales History


Table of Contents

The sales history window is used to view the sales history of an item for a specified period of time.

Data Selection

Use this section to select the item, size and store for the sales history you wish to view.

Item Number

The item number of the item to view.


Quasar displays the description of the item.


You may view the sales of all sizes or the sales of an individual size. Select "All" or select the individual size.


You may view the sales of all stores or you may enter a store to view.


The ending date of the sales history to view.

Data Format

In this section define the format in which you wish to view the sales history.

Quantity Size

In Quasar an item may have multiple sizes. For example, a soft drink may be sold as a case of 12, or as an individual bottle. Whether you sold them as cases or bottles you may view the sales history as if the sales were in either size. This feature is particularly useful if you purchase a product in a different size than you sell it and wish to view sales by the purchasing size.


Select the period to view. The period to view may be expressed in months, weeks or days.


The count attribute works in conjunction with the period attribute. Enter the number of periods that you wish to view. For example, if you select the period "Month" and enter "6" as the count then 6 months of sales history will be displayed as a total of each of the last 6 months.

History Table


Displays the current minimum order quantity for the item.


Displays the current maximum order quantity for the item.

Last Purchased

Displays the date for the last time the item was purchased in the selected store(s).

Last Sold

Displays the date for the last time the item was sold in the selected store(s).

On Hand

Displays the current on hands in the selected store(s).

On Order

Displays the current on orders in the selected store(s).


Clicking on refresh will refresh the data on the screen.


Select this function to print the contents of the sales history to the printer.