Print Statements


Table of Contents

The print statements screen is used to print customer statements.

Address Store

Enter the store whose address will be born on the statement.

Transaction Store

If you are just printing statements for transactions done at a specific enter it here.

Trans. Store Group

If you are printing statements for a group of stores enter the store group.

Customer Store

You can print statements for store customers, corporate customers or a combination of them both.


Select the statement type to print.

Start Date

Enter the starting date to specify the date range.

End Date

Enter the ending date to specify the date range.

Customer Type

If statements will be printed only for a specific customer type, enter the type here.

Customer Group

If statements will be printed for a specific group of customers enter the group here.


if statements will be printed for only one customer enter the customer here.


Select which statements you will deliver to your customer based on how the customer wishes to receive them.

Generate mailing labels

Toggle on to generate mailing labels for the statements you will be printing and mailing out.


During the creation of electronic statements, which will be emailed, PDF copies of the statement are created. Quasar deletes these PDF files after the statements are emailed out. However, the dated directory remains to be used as a warning check should statements with the same end date be created again. The default location for these files is the computer's temporary directory. As some computers delete the contents of this temporary directory on a regular basis you may choose an alternate directory.


Click on "OK" to generate the statements.