Matrix Build


Table of Contents

Designed to quickly add multiple apparel items with different colors and sizes. Use the matrix build screen to create a new inventory item for each size and color. All items linked to a matrix can be added quickly to promotions with the promotion batch. All items linked to a matrix can also be quickly added to the label batch and the prices batch.

Matrix Number

The matrix number for the package being built.

Matrix Name

Describe the matrix being created.


The supplier of the matrix products.


The department the new items created will be linked to.


The subdepartment the new items created will be linked to.


The brand the new items created will be linked to.

Price Zone:

The price zone the new items created will be linked to.


The cost for each of the new items


The prices for each of the new items

Set to stocked in stores

Default Size

Select the default sizes from those which exist in the subdepartment. If the size does not exist you can enter a new one. The size will be added to the subdepartment on processing.


Select the color from the existing colors. If the color does not exist you can enter a new one. The color will be added to the color list on processing.

Generate New Items

Click on the generate new items button to create the matrix along with the new items and link the new items to the matrix. An information screen will be displayed asking if ypu wish to continue. After a message will be displayed showing all data changes.