Customer Invoice


Table of Contents

Invoice No

The invoice number is incremented by Quasar. This may be changed by the user. If the invoice number entered is the same as an existing invoice number then a warning message will be displayed.


A number that references the customer invoice. For example, the customer may provide you with a purchase order number or a job number.


The date for the customer invoice. The date determines the accounting period in which the customer invoice will be posted.


The time the customer invoice was created.


The shift that the customer invoice is linked to through a shift close.


Select or change the default store. If a store has been defined for the user, then the user's store will display by default. If no store has been defined for the user, then the default store specified in the "Quasar Configuration" will be displayed.


The station (work station) on which the customer invoice is created.


The employee creating the customer invoice.


The status of the customer invoice.


Select or enter the customer whom the invoice is being billed to.

Customer Unit

Select or enter the customer unit which the invoice is being linked to.


The customers address.

Tax Exempt

Enter the tax code for the taxes that the customer is tax exempt.

Ship Via

Enter the method of shipment.

Promised Date

Enter the date the goods are promised to the customer.


The payment terms of the invoice. Payment terms default from the customer master file.


If the invoice will be tendered by a single tender then select the individual tender. If the invoice will be tendered using multiple tenders, then use the "Tenders" folder.

Item Entry Table

Use this section to enter items on the customer invoice.

  • Item Number

    The item number of the product or products being sold. Note that if you enter an item that requires serial number tracking the select serials screen will be displayed.

  • Description

    The description of the product or products being sold.

  • Size

    The size of the item.

  • Qty

    The quantity of products being sold. Only a positive number should be entered.

  • Price

    The price per selling unit for each product being sold.

  • Ext Price

    The extended price for the items on the line. The extended price is the gross extended price before discounts.

  • Discount

    If the discount is a percent discount then the percentage will be displayed. If the discount is a dollar discount, then the total dollar amount will be displayed. Line discounts are selected in the "Item Info" folder.

  • Tax

    The selling tax code for the item. This is defaulted from the data entered in item master window. However, the tax code may be changed by the user.


The totals folder displays the various totals for the customer invoice:

  • Item Total

    The net item total before discounts and taxes.

  • Line Discounts

    The total of all line discounts.

  • Trans Discounts

    The total of all transaction discounts.

  • Tax Total

    The accumulated total of all taxes.

  • Deposit Total

    The total of all container deposits.

  • Levy Total

    The total amount of environmental levies.

  • Qty Total

    The total number of selling units on the invoice.

  • Total

    The gross total for the customer invoice.

  • Paid

    The amount of all payments allocated to the customer invoice.

  • Due

    The net balance due on the customer invoice after all payments.


Any comments relevant to the invoice. All comments will be printed on the hard copy of the customer invoice.


Displays the compulsory references entered.


Quasar display a breakdown of the individual taxes.

  • Tax

    The tax id.

  • Name

    The name of the tax.

  • Taxable

    The net base amount that a given tax is charged to.

  • Tax Amt

    The amount of tax allocated to the "Taxable" amount.

  • Inc. Taxable

    The net base taxable amount including the amount of the tax. (for items with taxes included in the price)

  • Inc. Tax Amt

    The net amount of tax calculated from the "Inc. Taxable" amount.

Ship To

Where products are shipped to a card or address other than the customers address the ship to address can be entered here. The ship to address is printed on the hard copy of the customer invoice.

  • Ship To

    Enter or select a card if different from the customer.

  • Address

    Enter the new shipping address.

Item Info

The item info folder displays specific information about an individual item(line) in the invoice. The information displayed will pertain to the line in which the cursor is placed. Line discounts are taken using the item info folder.

  • From consignment (in)?

    Displays if the item being sold is an item that is consigned in to the store.

  • From consignment (out)?

    Displays if the item being sold is actually an item that was shipped to the customer using the consignment out screen.

  • Discountable?

    Displays whether or not a discount may be taken on an item.

  • Include Tax?

    Displays if the price of the item includes taxes.

  • Include Deposit?

    Displays if the price of the item includes a container deposit.

  • Deposit

    The total of the container deposits on the line.

  • Levy

    The amount of the levies assessed on the line.

  • Show On Hand?

    Toggle on or off. Toggle on to show the on hand quantity for the item.

  • On Hand

    Displays the on hand for the item if the "show on hand" toggle is turned on.

  • Location

    Displays the location of the item.

  • Sale Serial

    Displays the serial number if the serial number is only entered at the point of sale. It can be edited or added here if required.

  • Discount

    Select the discount for to take a line discount.

    • Percent

      Toggle on or off. Toggle on if the line discount will be a percentage discount.

    • Dollar

      Toggle on or off. Toggle on if the line discount will be a dollar discount.

  • Price Over-ride?

    Toggle is on if the price is set using the price over-ride function.

  • Line Disc.

    Displays the total amount of a line discount.

  • Line Total

    Displays the gross total for the line.

  • Trans Disc.

    Displays total amount of transaction discounts allocated back to the line.

  • Edit Serials

    Click on the edit serials button to edit the serial numbers assigned to the item.


The discounts folder is used to define transaction discounts.

  • Discount

    Enter or select the discount id. from the customer.

  • Percent

    Enter a percentage discount. For example "10%" off.

  • Dollars

    Enter a dollar discount. For example, "$1.00" off.

  • Total

    The total of the discount.


The tenders folder is used to define multiple tenders.

  • Tender

    Enter or select the tender.

  • Amount

    Enter the amount of the tender.

  • Rate

    Quasar displays the conversion rate for foreign currency.

  • Total

    The total of the tender.

  • Rounding

    If tender rounding is in effect this field displays the rounded amount.

  • Gift Card Item

    Displays the gift card item.

  • Gift Card #

    Displays the gift card number.


The quotes folder is used to convert a customer quote to a customer invoice.

  • Add

    Click on the add button to convert a quote to an invoice. You can choose to populate all of the items from the quote and you can choose whether or not to bring the item quantities forward from the quote.

  • Remove

    Once you have populated the customer invoice with items from the quote you can remove the link to the quote.

  • View

    High-light a quote and click on the view button to view the quote.


The orders folder is used to convert a customer order to a customer invoice.

  • Add

    Click on the add button to convert an order to an invoice. You can choose to populate all of the items from the order and you can choose whether or not to bring the item quantities forward from the order.

  • Remove

    Once you have populated the customer invoice with items from the order you can remove the link to the order.

  • View

    High-light an order and click on the view button to view the order.

View Payments

Click on the "View Payments" button to take a customer payment and/or allocate a payment or return to an invoice. Clicking on "View Payment" will cause the "Customer Invoice Payment" window to be displayed. This window will display all transactions that can be allocated to the invoice.

Invoice Payment

If there are no transactions that can be allocated towards the payment of the invoice the body of the window will be blank. If there is a return or a credit that can be allocated to the invoice the details will be displayed in the body of the window.

Invoice Number

The invoice number for the invoice that you are paying or allocating a return or payment too. Note! you may also allocate an invoice to a return.


The date of the invoice.


The Total amount of the invoice.


The amount of the invoice that has previously been paid.


The memo for the invoice. This memo displays on the journal transaction for the invoice.


The customer who the invoice is charged too.


The current balance of the customers receivable account.

Auto Allocate

Click on the "Auto Allocate" button to automatically allocate to the invoice.

Invoice Table

The invoice table displays all credits, returns or invoices that can be allocated back to the vendor invoice.

  • Type

    The type of transaction. For example, Invoice or Payment.

  • Number

    The number of the transaction that may be allocated against the invoice.

  • Number

    The number of the transaction that may be allocated against the invoice.

  • Date

    The date of the transaction that may be allocated against the invoice.

  • Total

    The total amount of the transaction.

  • Remaining

    The remaining amount of the transaction that may be allocated.

  • Amount

    The amount of the transaction that you wish to allocate to the invoice.

  • Pay

    Toggle on or off. Toggle on to allocate the total amount of the transaction to the invoice.

Quick Payment

Click on the "Quick Payment" button to create a payment for the invoice using the "Customer Payments" window.

Stock Status

Click on the "Stock" button to review the stock status of the item in the line in which you are working

View Serials

Click on the view serials button to view items on the invoice that require serial number tracking.

Action Icons

- Select the "Save" icon to save the changes to the customer invoice record.

- Select the "Undo" icon to remove any unsaved changes and display the original customer invoice record.

- Select the "New" icon to create a new customer invoice. If the open customer invoice record has not yet been saved, you will be prompted to save it.

- Select the "Delete" icon to delete the customer invoice record.

- Select the "Copy" icon to copy the contents of the customer invoice record to an alternate customer invoice record.

- Select the "Print" icon to print a copy of the customer invoice.

- Select the "Email" icon to send an electronic copy of the customer invoice to the customer's email address.

- Select the "OK" icon to file the record.

- Select the "Cancel" icon to cancel the changes to the record.