Brand Master


Table of Contents


The name of the item brand that will be linked to items belonging to this brand.


The number of the brand.


Toggle on or off. Toggle on to set the brand to inactive. Toggle off to re-set the brand to active.

Action Icons

- Select the "Save" icon to save the changes to the brand record.

- Select the "Undo" icon to remove any unsaved changes and display the original brand record.

- Select the "New" icon to create a new brand. If the open brand record has not yet been saved, you will be prompted to save it.

- Select the "Delete" icon to delete the brand record.

- Select the "Copy" icon to copy the contents of the brand record to an alternate brand record.

- Select the "Groups" icon to define the groups that the brand will be linked to.

- Select the "OK" icon to file the record.

- Select the "Cancel" icon to cancel the changes to the record.