Quasar Admin


Quasar Accounting

In a typical Quasar setup you would have a server computer and one or more workstation computers. You could also have a separate database server. For single users or small stores though, you may want to run the database, server, and client all on one computer. The setup of each of these is described below and even though they are described separately, you may run them all on a single computer if you wish.

Much of the setup of Quasar can be accessed via this quasar_admin tool or the Server Admin option of the file menu in the Quasar Client. This dialog is used for both setup and for administration tasks. You use it to setup the database drivers so Quasar can use your databases, for creating and deleting companies, for updating company databases to a new version, and for doing backups and restores of companies. If you attempt to modify any values or perform any actions, you will be prompted for the ``Server Password''. The default password is ``admin''.


The server is the computer that runs the quasar server and is the main point that all clients connect to in order to get a list of companies you have created. It also makes connections to the database for the clients. When you installed the ``server'' Quasar package (or installed from source), the xinetd daemon was set up so that the quasard program is run when any users try to connect to the server to talk to Quasar. The quasard program is used as a centralized data service to the Quasar clients. It performs all database duties on behalf of the clients, handling data selection, inserts, updates, and deletes. It also gives lists of data such as company definitions, report definitions, etc. to the clients and allows the client to get the data from the server. This provides one central repository for Quasar reports so if you need to add a new report you can just install it on the server and it will show up on all the client systems.

The Quasar configuration files are stored in /opt/quasar/config. They are XML files and can be edited manually or through the Server Admin dialog. Usually all you will need to do with a new Quasar installation is setup the database driver and then create a new company. Once you get to that point, you can refer to the Users Guide to find out how to set up the new company for use.

The Quasar server configuration is stored in the server.cfg file and you can set the values from the Server tab in the Server Admin dialog.


This read-only field shows which version of the Quasar server you have installed. The server, the client and the point-of-sale, all have to be the same version. Quasar Mobile can be set to match the appropriate version.

Operating System

This read-only field shows which operating system the server is running.

# Clients

This read-only field shows the number of clients currently connected to the server.

# Companies

This read-only field shows the number of companies managed by the server.


Click on the "configure" button to configure the server settings.

Change Password

Click on the "Change Password" button to change the server password.

Clear Caches

Click on the "Clear Cache" button to clear the cache.


Click on the "Shutdown" button to shut down the server for maintenance.


The Companies tab allows you to create a new company, back up or restore a database, import data into an existing company, or validate or delete a company. You can also update a company created with an older version of Quasar.

New Company

Click on the "New Company" button to create a new Quasar company.

Restore Backup

If you have an existing backup that you wish to restore, you can click on the ``Restore Backup'' button. This will create a new company and restore all of the data. Quasar permits you to choose a different database driver when restoring the data if you wish. If you are unhappy with your choice of database servers, you may use this functionality to change your mind.


Click on the "Import" button to import data into the highlighted company. It is advisable to have a current backup of your database prior to importing data.


Good backup procedures are a key part of any business. Quasar allows you to back up a company database. Highlight the company that you wish to back up and click on the ``Backup'' button. This process may take a substantial amount of time depending on the size of your database. While the backup is proceeding, users will not be allowed to create or update data. You will also want to consult your database server's manual for information on how to perform regular backups.


Click on the "Update" button to update your Quasar version to the current version. We strongly urge backing up your database prior to updating it.


Click on the "Validate" button to validate the database. This checks every object (customers, invoices, employees, tender transfers, etc.) to ensure there are no invalid object. This is unnecessary unless you have updated your company from an old version.


Click on the "Delete" button to delete an obsolete company. Take extreme caution not to accidently delete a current company. This action is permanent


This tab shows the Quasar clients currently connected to the server and allows you to disconnect any of them. It lists the client's address, which company it is connected to, and the username used for the connection. .


Click on the "Disconnect" button to disconnect a current client.


The ``Drivers'' tab provides database configuration.


Click on the "Configure" button to configure the highlighted database.